“Turning to face my fear, I meet the warrior who lives within;

opening to my loss, i gain the embrace of the universe;

surrendering to emptiness, i find fullness without end.”

Jennifer Paine Welwood

Helping you love the life you live

Native San Franciscan, author, and special guest, Adrianne Vincent, joins Nicole to share her memories of the West Side. Adrianne recalls personal anecdotes relating to several recent Western Neighborhoods Project podcasts like the SNACK Concert, Baker Beach, Anton Levay, and more.

  • Yoga Retreat .... July 8-10

    Two day yoga retreat to help withdrawal from daily life and focus on the practice of yoga, self-care, healing and transformation. Commit to living a better life.

    Maximum Attendance: 8 people

  • Mindfullness-Based Meditation Online Course

    Mindfulness-based mediation is an eight-week intensive mindfulness training to assist people with stress, anxiety, depression and pain.

  • Grief & Healing Workshop .... July 22-24

    Two day workshop providing a safe space for a grieving person to gain tools to deal with the pain loss.

  • Grief Support

    Grief does not always unfold in orderly, predictable stages. It can be an emotional rollercoaster, with unpredictable highs, lows, and setbacks. Everyone grieves differently and should be given the space to explore these emotions.

  • Creating Sacred Spaces

    Creating Sacred Space Creating a potent space for a more magical and embodied life. May include altar making, creating sacred mediation rooms, non-denominational orientation and more.

  • Sitting Meditation Practices

    Sitting meditation provides a space to stop whatever we’re doing, let go of our projects, our worries, and just sit there, being with our breathing, being with our body and looking to see what’s coming up inside.

  • Wedding Officiating

    Adrianne is an Ordained Non-Denominational Wedding Officiant. She performs LGBTQIA, Inter-Faith, Secular and Christian Wedding ceremonies.

    She prides herself on being able to personalize not only the ceremony but also the vows in such a way that all in attendance will feel the shining spirit of love and happiness when they leave.

Medium.com In conversation with Adrianne Vincent, 77 22 AV / Nature’s gift